Top 10 Book archive success in your life (English )

Rashmi Ranjan Sahoo

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Top 10 Book Achive Success In Your Life

Hello Friends How are you ? I am Bapunu.Welcome to myy blogs' Bapunu Dilwala.I want to think you for my friends who are reading my post by giving me such a precious  time.My dear friends today i brought  a new post .'TOP 10 SUCCESSFUL BOOKS'.Friends! We need  to be motivatied.Because we have strugled to create our own unique identity throughout our lives.At that time only book stands with us a friend .I hope this post will touch your heart.If you like the post please comment me and seyar my post.


Believe In Yourselfe (English, Paperback,Murphy Joseph)

In Believe  in Yourself ,Dr.Murphy stresses about having faith in ones abilities,believing in the inner self and in having the courage to chase your dream,come what may.The  book was first published in 1955 but remains as popular as it was then.Being a preacher, with decades of exeprieance behind him


101 Inspirong Storise

This is one of the many inspiring  books from the renowned "Motivator" Dr.G. Francis Xacier.Evidently this harvest  of stories  has been gleaned from lands he visiteed and books he read Xavier who conducts full-house  personal growth  cours has  brought out this compuendium in an intereractive  from


Thoughts To Inspiron :Swami Vivekanda

 Inspring Thoughts is a collection of the famous quotes by swami Vivekananda - a spritual soldier a traveling  monk and an orator  beyond execellence .Swamiji had spent his life in search of sprituality and God and in return had  gained a deep  wisdom  and understanding  of huanity and it encompasses. 


Turning Points:Abdul Kalam

It was like any other day on the Anna University  campose in Chennai.I had delivered a lecture "Vision to Mission" anf the session got extended  from one  hour to two.I had  lunch with a group of research students  and went back to class .As i was  returning to my rooms in the evening the vice chancellor prof. 


Attiude Is Everything :Cange your Attitude Change your life 

Do you dreaad going to work ?Do you feel tired ,unhappy ,weighed  down ?Have you given  up on your dreams ?The road  to a happier ,more successful life  starts with your outlook  is negative , positive or somewhere  in between,Jeff Keller ,motivational


Life Is What  You make It by Preeti Shenoey

The second book by preeti shenoy, life is what  you make it, was published on january 1, 2011 and itturned out to be a national bestseller .The book has also featured in the "Top Books of 2011" a Nielsen list ,which is rekeased by the Hindustan Times .


The New One Minute Managey

 rIfyou'r gong to read one managemaent  book in your life, this should be's simple .You can read it in an afternoon . And the advice works .


Think  and Grow Rich

Originally published in 1937,Napoleon  HiLL's book is old,but not outdated.the messages in it are not exclusively financial, because HiLL does not limt ewealth to the  confines of monetary worth.With stories frome the top businssmen of the time,Hill  finds  thst success is derived as much from personal satisfactions  as it is from financial flair


The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

 Success is as much an attitude as it is a lifestyle,which is why covey's  anecdotes range from family stories to business conflicts.With thems frome self-masterry to being proactive this book will try to change your attiude and look toward 


Zero To One

Peter Thiel's book focuse on disproving the misconception that there  are no more frontiers.He  preaches a mentality of thinking for yourself in order to find  the space and means to innovate and create.The book aims to teach you to ask qustions and not just follow in the footsteps of of the thinkers 


The Intalligent Investor

Abstaining from the usal "can-fall" strategies pitch,Graham's book focuses on loss minimization ,not profit maximaization .With  Warren Buffet endorsing the book as"the best book on investing  ever writing,"Graham's work has received numerous accolades and awards oveer the years.This book will take  you through investing basics and give you a fundamentel  understanding of how wall street works 


Rich DAD Poor DAD

Robert Kiyosak shatesthe two  influences on this life growing up , one financially unsuccessful and the other fiscally responsible .One of the coore themes he came to learn and advocated was that  "the poor and middle class work for money" while " the  rich money  work for  them".Throughtt  the book ,Kiyosaki seeks  to teach  a level of fincial literacy often ignored in formal education.


The 4 -Hour Work weer  by Tim Ferriss

Solo entrepreneurs can  leasrn a ton from the guy who made lifestyle design popular.But guess what ?The 4HWW isn't just for guys and girls who want to start a amall online business .Smart movies like outsourcing ,following the 80/20 rule ,and  automating processes should be made by entery -level workers and esablished executives a like.


The Millionaire Next Door

Doctorss Stanley and danko spent 20 years interviewing members of the elite clube  whose net worth exceede $1 million dolars .Their findings  resulted in seven conclusive rules,ranging from living below your means to choosing your  occupation wisely .This  book  won't teach you investment tips to hit  it big but rather how to lead a lifestyle that  creates wealth 


The Magic Of  Thinkig Big By David Schwantz


If  you've struggled with procrastination or small  thinking, this is the book for you.In it schwartz offers practical advice that can  help  you get inspired  and  motivated to create a bigger life for yourslf .And with it can be a more lucrative and  rewarding career. Whic can help you overcome any challenges you're facing now 
